Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
Random Vol. 1 Sn: 202100
Mathematics & Nature–Free Media of Eternal Truth, China, 2021
Manifesto of Com Quantum Theory
X. D. Dongfang
Orient Research Base of Mathematics and Physics,
Wutong Mountain National Forest Park, Shenzhen, China
For more than a hundred years, a generation of theoretical physicist has put forward theories that
were difficult to distinguish right from wrong in that era, but were essentially wrong, and gained
enormous benefits. Erroneous theories have ascended the supreme altar and captured generations of
faithful b elievers. They joined forces with unprecedented strength, vigorously promoted and developed
erroneous theories, and gained more benefits and honor. They do their best to safeguard their vested
interests, destroy great new discoveries, endlessly fake experimental phenomena, and write numerous
myths and conjectures, whitewash fallacies, and even rob and conquer. Human scientific thought is
constantly nibbled, academic journals are monopolized, media are manipulated, lies are flying, natural
truth is distorted, scientific theory is strangled, academic morality is trampled, and human nature is
destroyed. Theoretical physics has gradually become a scientific pretext for greedy people to swagger
through the market and become a private tool for maximizing personal interests. People all over the
world who pursue the true meaning of science are finally angry. They stood up, broke through the
cage of thought, and tore up the veil that covered the ugly soul. At this time, the wind and clouds
surged, and the common quantum theory was born. The macroscopic and microscopic quantized
descriptions are unified, and the real face of nature is gradually presented. Henceforth, shameless
slander will no longer be able to strangle new discoveries to be in the cradle. Theoretical physics
will become a public property that reveals the secrets of nature. Great scientific ideas will always be
shining like stars in the vast space.
Keywords: Sp ecial relativity; General relativity; Gravity theory; Quantum mechanics; Ordinary
differential equations; Partial differential equations.
PACS number(s): 03.30.+p—Special relativity; 04. General relativity and gravitation (see also
95.30.Sf in astronomy); 03. Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity (see also section
11 General theory of fields and particles); 02.30.Jr Partial differential equations.
The day is bright and the night is dark, the rain and
snow are continuous, the west wind is sobbing, and the
clouds are rolling. The scientific countryside garden of
com quantum theory has experienced a long ice cover
and bitter cold. When thunder starts to roar and makes
the mountains tremble, how far can spring be from the
coming day? One the dark clouds are far away and n-
ever to return, the warm sunshine will shine all over the
world, the thousands of miles of snow and ice will melt,
the thousands of miles of vegetation will recover, and the
flowers will be blooming everywhere. The gentle wind,
blowing from the ancient oriental civilization, gently ca-
resses the wonderful scenery of nature and brings the
fragrance of the deep valley orchid to every corner of the
earth, calling for new physics people and stirring up the
magnificent waves of natural science.
Computer’s trillions of verifications can not prove
Goldbach’s conjecture and Fermat’s last theorem after
all, and the power of logical argumentation is irreplace-
able or transcendent. Physics is a scientific theory that
uses mathematical language to describe natural phenom-
ena and predict the laws of material movement. Mathe-
matical deduction can be divided into correct deduction
and wrong deduction. Only correct mathematical de-
duction of natural law can form scientific logic. Unfor-
tunately, for a long time, because of the insatiable pur-
suit of fame and wealth, the false deduction disguised by
the gorgeous formal mathematics has won the hegemo-
ny of the science palace, and the absurd and distorted
causality has dominated the spiritual world. Physical
theory needs the support of experimental observation.
Historically, when people lacked sufficient knowledge of
the natural law, the support or negation of some conjec-
tures by experimental observation data once helped to
correctly understand the natural law. Therefore, exper-
imental observation has become the basis of physics and
occupies an important position. However, the variability
of experimental operation and the subjective tendency to
interpret experimental results have created a large num-
ber of hegemonic speculators. Modern physical theories
and experiments are full of a large number of lies, and
the imagination of the empty world has mushroomed in
)Citation: Dongfang, X. D. Manifesto of Com Quantum Theory. Mathematics & Nature 1, 202100 (2021).
2 X. D. Dongfang Manifesto of Com Quantum Theory
the direction of witchcraft. Fictitious strange seeking
events and erroneous conclusions completely contrary to
the laws of nature are always declared to have passed
the test of numerous experimental observations due to
the cover of the halo of cunning surface mathematical
operations. Uncovering erroneous theories and untrue
inferences has encountered unprecedented tremendous
resistance. Unitary principle: the transformation result-
s of logical deduction conclusions under different scales
are consistent. This universal logical test principle is
openly abandoned and destroyed, and the truth is tram-
pled and killed. So, will the theoretical empire that uses
lies to prove lies stand forever? Decadence of scientific
spirit needs to be rescued by people who pursue truth
one after another!
Physical inference must be tested by exp erimental ob-
servation, but experimental principle must be based on
scientific logic. The experimental reports produced ac-
cording to the expected purpose will eventually reveal
their true colors in the powerful logic test. Two ide-
ological realms of pursuing fame and wealth and pur-
suing truth determine the two opposing camps of the
old physics people and the new physics people. The old
physics people often deviated from the scientific norms,
explained the experimental observation data based on
personal wishes to confuse right and wrong, tampered
with and fabricated the experimental data, and thus
whitewashed unreasonable assumptions and erroneous
inferences into scientific truth; the new physics people
respects the original experimental data, looks for the
local and overall logical self consistent scientific infer-
ence hidden in the experimental data, and never tam-
pers with or generates the observation data in pursuit of
personal fame and fortune to fabricate the experimental
report. The laws presented by the limited experimental
data are consistent with the theoretical inference, which
is only a necessary condition for the establishment of the
physical theory, but not a sufficient condition. The old
physics people often evade the reliability of experimen-
tal data, create isolated and unrepeatable experimental
data, and choose one of several contradictory explana-
tions to praise the hypothesis and conclusion that the
old physics lacks logical proof; the new physics p eople
face up to the fact that the same experimental data can
constitute a double argument of truth and fallacy, mer-
cilessly expose the tricks of error analysis hide in lying
experimental reports, discard all non scientific analysis
methods of subjective choice, and propose that major
physical experimental projects that cost a lot of mon-
ey should be subject to extensive scientific demonstra-
tion. The old physics people often avoid the conclusion
of complex scientific data analysis and render the signals
similar to the expected ones as strange natural phenom-
ena that do not actually exist; the new physics people
uses the conclusions of scientific analysis to reveal the
truth hidden in the observation data.
Physics is inseparable from mathematical deduction,
but physics is by no means a game of formal mathe-
matics. The old physics people are intoxicated with the
equations constructed by formal mathematics to con-
coct plausible and strange events, indulge in empty and
wrong assumptions, reject the correct conclusions of log-
ical argumentation and experimental observation and
analysis, and take the actually untenable conjecture and
sophistry as the basic principles of science, and they are
keen on the popular science rendering of the new me-
dia, and often describe completely wrong inferences as
strange natural landscapes; the new physics people a-
bandons all formal mathematics and despise the behav-
ior of fabricating expected conclusions for the purpose
of achieving subjective goals, pursues the root of wrong
assumptions based on isolated events, explores the in-
evitable causality behind complex phenomena, follows
the basic principles of natural science theory, and con-
sistently insists on describing the true natural laws with
correct mathematical logic. The old physics people al-
ways reject major scientific discoveries from others, pre-
tend to be indifferent to new scientific ideas, new scientif-
ic principles, new scientific theories and new scientific in-
ferences but actually covet them, they are only obsessed
with fame and power and are always in fear, and often
maliciously slander new theoretical breakthroughs and
kill new scientific ideas and new scientific discoveries;
the new physics people advocate the highest moral stan-
dards, love the great nature, piously pursue the truth of
natural science, abandon the art of sophistry in physical
theory, overthrow the carefully fabricated experimental
observation data and absurd distorted logic, whip the
greedy, selfish and hypocritical human nature, promote
the scientific spirit, critically inherit the old physics, e-
liminate its dross, absorb its essence, make use of its
strengths and avoid its weaknesses, be mo dest and pru-
dent, and don not take the fruits of others’ labor by force
and then try to dominate the world, nor do you seek os-
tentation by reversing right and wrong in order to win
The new physics people embrace the great scientific
ideal, calmly bear the indifference and oppression of the
old physical world, take firm steps at the time of hard-
ship, carry out the long march of one hundred years,
open up a pure physics pastoral, work hard and unswerv-
ingly! An indestructible new physics building will rise.
There, the money, honor, status and authority that are
above the scientific truth disappear completely; there,
the phenomenon of fabricating experimental data to cov-
er up lies no longer exists, and the vanity and flashy of
weaving formal mathematics disappear; there, fallacies
and eloquence came to the end, and the code of natural
science shines brightly!
You, gorgeous turn, be long in coming. Come on,
please step into the beautiful countryside of com quan-
tum science, wash away the dust of dark thoughts, and
dedicate your wisdom to the noble scientific cause. You
are a holy angel. Because of you, physical theory is no
Mathematics & Nature (2021) Vol. 1 3
longer an intangible tool to seek personal interests; Be-
cause of you, the magical and wonderful scene of nature
is no longer distorted; Because of you, lies can no longer
stain the sanctity of nature; Because of you, the spread
of scientific truth is like a long river running ceaselessly.
From May 1987 in Dabie Mountain
to August 2022 in Wutong Mountain
Mathematics & Nature
Welcome to make more breakthrough discoveries and work together to change the scientific world!
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