Mathematics & Nature (2021) Vol. 1 15
signal is the monotonic increase in frequency. We s-
tudied in detail the relationship between the frequency
distribution of GW150914 signal wave and the gener-
alized relativistic Blanchet frequency equation. It was
pointed out that the similarity between GW150914 sig-
nal wave and the wave predicted by general relativity
is only qualitative. However, frequency distribution and
variation law of GW150914 signal do not support the
non-linear Blanchet frequency equation, and the differ-
ence between them is far beyond the error range. On
the other hand, the numerical relativistic waveform de-
viates too far from the original GW150914 signal wave-
form. The other LIGO signals do not have the obvious
characteristic of monotonous increase in frequency, so
they can’t be used for accurate spectrum analysis. In
short, the LIGO signal does not support the relativistic
Blanchet frequency equation of spiral binaries merging
gravitational waves.
There is no precise demarcation point b etween the
strong gravitational field and the weak gravitational
field. The classical theory of gravitation is based on
a large number of astronomical observations. There is
no principle difference between the inferences of classi-
cal theory describing the gravitational system of black
holes and the correct inference beyond classical theory.
Therefore, if GW150914 signal wave belongs to gravi-
tational wave of spiral binary stars, the Schwarzschild
orbital frequency can be combined with classical theo-
ry to estimate the total mass of the wave source. The
problem also restores its simple and easy-to-understand
nature. The maximum frequency of positive strain of G-
W150914 signal wave is used to estimate the total mass
of the wave source. The result is in line with expec-
tation, but the maximum frequency of negative strain
of GW150914 is used to estimate the total mass of the
wave source, the result is not in line with expectation.
Is there any scientific basis for making a unique choice
between the two estimation of the total mass of the wave
source? What kind of exact equation does the frequency
of the GW150914 signal wave satisfy? How to accurately
calculate the gravitational wave source mass and deter-
mine the exact position of the gravitational wave source?
How to accurately distinguish the different gravitational
wave signals from the binary black hole, the dense bi-
nary star, the multi black hole or the dense multi star
gravitational system? What are the necessary and suffi-
cient conditions leading to the formation and merging of
spiral binary black holes? All these are urgent problems
to be solved by gravitational theory.
Although the frequency distribution of the GW150914
signal wave accords with the motion law of the classi-
cal process of spiral binary star, the numerical calcula-
tion results of the discrete frequency and rate of change
of the positive and negative strain show that only use
the quantum number can accurately describe the law
of gravitational wave. This is the com quantum theory
which is different from the traditional quantum theory.
An accurate theory of gravitational waves is bound to be
highly consistent with the exact results of experimental
observations. The signal wave with monotonic frequency
change detected by LIGO is not necessarily the gravita-
tional wave of spiral binary stars, and the GW150914
signal wave is more likely to be a ground signal. It is
unscientific to qualitatively judge that the signal wave
detected by the laser interference gravitational wave de-
tector belongs to the gravitational wave combined by
the spiral binary black hole or spiral binary neutron star
based on the monotonic increase of the frequency and
strain of the signal wave. The strict proof of the conclu-
sion requires that the high-precision numerical analysis
results of the observation data conform to the theoret-
ical equation. Identification of frequency varying signal
waves is a new technology to be developed. The gener-
alized quantization characteristics of GW150914 signal
contain new scientific theories. Perhaps gravitational
waves of spiral binaries that will be discovered in the
future have the same generalized quantization laws, and
the theory of gravity will also be further developed and
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