8 X. D. Dongfang Dongfang Angular Motion Law and Operator Equations
sic physical theory problems with the unitary principle,
and found that the difficulty of fundamentally eliminat-
ing physical theory needs to correct or prove all basic
physical assumptions that lack logical basis.
In quantum mechanics, it is considered that the ener-
gy and angular momentum of the interactive system are
observable and can be expressed by a linear Hermitian
operator. From the point of view of the com quantum
phenomena of the macroscopic system, velocity is tru-
ly directly observable compared with angular momen-
tum and energy. From the so-called plane wave func-
tion ψ (r, t) = A exp [(i/~) (mv · r − Et)], we can write
the velocity operator ˆv = −(i~/m) ∇ or the velocity
square operatorˆv
= −
. Therefore, a strict
proof is needed to make a choice between the veloci-
ty operator and the momentum operator. Essentially,
the steady wave equation means that the mathemati-
cal expression of the wave function independent of time
is ∂ψ/∂t = 0. But this accurate mathematical expres-
sion will lead to time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation
i~∂ψ/∂t = −
ψ +U (r) ψ can not be trans-
formed into the steady equation. The problem means d-
ifferent physical ideas, that is, the establishment of wave
equations may not be limited to Hamiltonian operators.
For example, considering the energy level transition of
a quantum system, the absorbed or radiated energy of
the system must follow the law of conservation of ener-
gy. Therefore, referring to the Maxwell equations, we
can find a more reasonable reason than the Hamiltonian
operator evolution method, but it may not be the true
portrayal of the natural law, and write the following real
number wave equation,
ψ +
(E − U ) ψ −
= 0 (17)
Among them, m denotes the mass of particle, E and U
denote energy and potential energy respectively, and σ
is a constant for com quantum theory. The real wave e-
quation is one of the corollaries of com quantum theory,
which shows that the virtual number is not an indispens-
able element of quantum mechanics. There is no doubt
about how to explain the concept of steady state in real
wave equation. Because ∂ψ/∂t = 0 corresponds to the
steady-state Schr¨odinger wave equation, and the solu-
tion of this steady-state equation is just that have been
given by quantum mechanics. Perhaps readers can write
other forms of real wave equations and find the intrinsic
relationship between different real wave equations.
It is generally believed that quantum mechanics is one
of the perfect and precise scientific theories in mathemat-
ics. However, problems such as the scope of application
of the basic principles of quantum mechanics and the na-
ture of quantum mechanics have not been solved. The
application of an operator operating method in quan-
tum mechanics to the new laws of mechanics such as the
angular motion law brings new mathematical and phys-
ical difficulties to be solved. Its scientific conclusion is
of great significance to the design idea of the assump-
tion that the quantum theory does not depend on the
assumption that it is impossible to prove or is finally
proved to be very limited. The assumption that accord-
s with the natural law must have exact causality and
can be proved and become a theorem. Otherwise, it
will not be regarded as the basic principle in the com
quantum theory. Even if some hypothetical form logic
deduction can solve some difficult problems locally. The
wave function of quantum mechanics is interpreted as
a probability function. Why can’t it be a new physical
quantity that has not yet been discovered? What are the
wave functions and wave equations of the com quantum
theory, which can be used to describe both macroscopic
and microscopic discrete laws? Let’s find the answers to
the questions together.
To sum up, Dongfang angular motion law and the
energy momentum equation constitute two metrics for
the unitary principle test of quantum mechanics. It is
one of the most important basic principles of quantum
mechanics to replace mechanical quantity with Hermite
operators acting on wave functions to construct wave e-
quations. Applying Dongfang angular motion law, there
is enough derived wave equations in the same quantum
system, and the existence of solutions of these equation-
s seriously deviates from the expectations of quantum
mechanics. Obviously, the operator principle of quan-
tum mechanics does not follow the unitary principle, so
it is not universally effective, which means that quan-
tum mechanics has serious mathematical defects. This
conclusion should have a far-reaching impact on physics
and promote theoretical physics to enter a new period
of vigorous development.
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