Mathematics & Nature (2021) Vol. 1 9
the logical and mathematical calculations of theoretical
physics with too much confidence, let alone ignore or
even slander the rigorous arguments of non mainstream
physics scholars, Unless we lose the awe of scientific truth
and abandon the dignity of human nature for personal
fame and wealth.
The reason why theoretical physics is limited to this
embarrassing situation is that the desire for fame and
wealth drives researchers to excessively pursue celebri-
ties and degree system, resulting in generations of stu-
dents having to clone textbooks. Theoretical physics
scholars who grew up in this environment have long lost
their basic consciousness and ability to independently
judge the right and wrong of physical logic. The deter-
mination of the transverse wave mode equation is an ini-
tial value problem of Maxwell equation, but it has been
completely misunderstoo d. Most of the wrong mathe-
matical operations in theoretical physics are unknown
to later scholars, which just reflected the serious defect-
s of the degree system in the past. Perhaps changing
the academic monopoly system of fame and wealth and
the degree system of cloning celebrities are the key to
the breakthrough and major development of theoretical
physics in the future.
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