Mathematics & Nature (2021) Vol. 1 9
cy motion can be achieved to obtain the corresponding
gravitational waves. Since the universal gravitational
constant G can be accurately measured in the laborato-
ry, people are bound to be able to build similar sensors
to detect gravitational waves in the laboratory. It is sug-
gested that gravitational waves of spiral systems should
be widely simulated in the laboratory. The observed re-
sults of gravitational waves in the laboratory are rep eat-
able. The repeatable experimental results can be used to
measure the confidence of gravitational waves detected
by gravitational wave laser interferometer or other sen-
sors. It is of great significance that the detection results
of gravitational waves simulating spiral systems will be
reliable experimental basis for testing different gravita-
tional theories, and finally help us reveal the truth and
falsity of the gravitational wave of the spiral black hole.
It is also a challenge to identify the signal waves when
modern high-speed locomotives start, and the mystery
will eventually be solved.
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