2 X. D. Dongfang The End of Yukawa Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces
composed of atoms rather than nuclei. Instruments can-
not go deep into the scope of nuclei. Therefore, our un-
derstanding of atomic nuclei depends more on assump-
tions, guesses and reasoning. In 1935, Yukawa went be-
yond the logic of mathematical physics to make a special
treatment on the operator equation of the relationship
between relativistic momentum and energy
, obtained
a function containing natural exponential factor, which
was later called Yukawa potential function
, asserted
that mesons were the medium of nucleon interaction,
and thus put forward the nuclear force meson theory
that has not been tested by logic. However, it is well
known that there is no meson in the atomic nucleus. It
is illogical to say that mesons are the interaction medi-
um between nucleons. In the past 100 years, there has
been a strange phenomenon in physics, which can shake
the hearts of the public as long as it is claimed that
experiments or theories have made new and incredible
achievements due to the theory of relativity. The me-
son theory of nuclear force was popular soon after its
birth. However, what is the truth? Newton’s law of
is the greatest founding law of physics and
cannot be surpassed. Because of this, later physicist-
s gave up scientific argumentation and opened a new
path, trying to surpass Newton’s theory by establishing
theories through assumptions. However, whether the as-
sumptions of physics are correct or not has a causal law.
originated from the assumption that the
speed of light is constant. We have strictly proved that
the assumption that the speed of light is constant is not
. It is only an imaginary mathematical infer-
ence with incomplete thinking. It is a misunderstanding
to think that relativity and quantum mechanics surpass
Newtonian mechanics.
In the early days of the theory of relativity, this ab-
normal logic that goes beyond the mathematical and
physical conventions but caters to the curiosity of read-
ers was questioned. However, because the scope of peo-
ple’s query is limited to some conclusions of relativity
and fails to go deep into the level of principle, the query
lacks strict scientific demonstration, and because the rel-
ativists who have become the authority argue that ev-
ery abnormal inference is a real new discovery. Those
who doubted became the losers, and the doubt could
not continue. Since then, the experimental reports that
developed the theory of relativity and claimed to confirm
the relativistic inference, without exception, can cause a
sensation and quickly gain the recognition and praise of
authoritative organizations, but the authoritative orga-
nizations never test its authenticity. As a result, these
theories and experimental reports have become the most
dazzling content in textbooks, and generations of physi-
cists with firm beliefs have been emerging. The cycle of
life and death, be raging like a storm. Relativity will
have a long period of vitality. Academic circles exces-
sively advocate the celebrity effect, and modern physics
always despises the logical test, leading to hegemonis-
m, which seriously hinders the development of physical
theory in the right direction. If we prove that the rela-
tivistic energy equation is not tenable within the frame-
work of relativity, will physics be able to start a new
development? This problem makes us have a clear un-
derstanding of the meson theory of nuclear forces which
ostensibly relies on relativity, but this is not the fo cus of
this paper.
There is no meson in the atomic nucleus. Isn’t
Yukawa’s nuclear force meson theory indisputably and
directly denied? It can be proved that even if there are
mesons in the atomic nucleus, the experimental test of
meson theory of nuclear forces also constitutes a logical
loop of dead cycle
. The physical debate completely
confined to the principles of modern physics will never
come to an end, and will eventually end in the strange
circle of Anti Science in which truth is always strangled
by the arbitrariness of authority. So is there a new basic
principle of physics equivalent to mathematical axioms
that will make it easy for future physicists to find the
key to wrong logic, so that they will not waste time and
energy identifying the experimental data that have been
tampered with under the pretext of systematic error cor-
rection and the so-called major experimental observation
data that have even been fabricated through analog sig-
nal scaling?
Here, let us jointly reveal various principled errors in
Yukawa’s meson theory of nuclear forces, appreciate the
powerful logical power of the unitary principle original-
ly proposed in 1985 and continuously improved in its
application, and then completely terminate Yukawa me-
son theory of nuclear forces in many aspects within the
logical framework of relativity.
2 Introduction to Yukawa meson theory of
nuclear forces
Fermi treated the problem of β-disintegration on the
hypothesis of “neutrino”. According to this theory, the
neutron and the proton can interact by emitting and
absorbing a pair of neutrino and electron. But the in-
teraction energy calculated on such assumption is much
too small to account for the binding energy of neutrons
and protons in the nucleus.
Yukawa believes that it seems natural to modify the
theory of Heisenberg and Fermi in the following way.
The transition of a heavy particle from neutron state to
proton state is not always accompanied by the emission
of light particles, i.e., a neutrino and an electron, but
the energy liberated by the transition is taken up some-
times by another heavy particle, which in turn will be
transformed from proton state into neutron state. If the
probability of occurrence of the latter process is much
larger than that of the former, the interaction between
the neutron and the proton will be much larger than
in the case of Fermi, whereas the probability of emis-