Mathematics & Nature (2022) Vol. 2 No. 1 202203-11
dow to let the world gradually see the right and wrong
of the whole Dirac quantum theory and its derivative
It is not easy to test the exact solution (17) of the first
order Dirac equation system (7) or the exact solution of
the second order induced Dirac equation system (22). It
is complex enough to just test whether the solution of
the induced first order Dirac equation system satisfies
the two induced second order differential equations. For
each kind of Dirac equation, it is very important to dis-
tinguish those subtle differences that are imperceptible.
Although some differences are subtle and even difficult
to find, they may contain principled problems. In fact,
they cause the theory to deviate too far from the nat-
ural law and have to distort the logical reorganization
to make the inference conform to the expectation. For
example, construct the so-called complete conservative
exchange observable value
. There are essential differ-
ences in the theories of various named Dirac hydrogen
equations, but all claim to obtain the same expected so-
lution. Have we ever thought ab out studying the causal
relationship between them? On the surface, completely
different wave equations of the same physical model can
have the same energy eigenvalue set. This seems to par-
tially conform to Dongfang unitary principle. However,
conforming to the unitary principle is only a necessary
condition, not a sufficient condition, for the theory to
The test of the unitary principle of the induced
second-order Dirac equation has two meanings: 1) The
two second-order differential equations form a system of
equations subject to the constraints of the common ener-
gy parameters, so they are not completely independent.
The calculation results of the energy eigensolutions are
consistent with the unitary principle, but this does not
mean that the problem is over; 2) After the energy eigen-
solutions of the two second-order differential equations
are proved to be the same, the wave functions as the so-
lutions of the respective equations show independence.
They can have indep endent normalization coefficients.
Compared with the two-component wave functions of
the original Dirac equation, the conclusion does not con-
form to the unitary principle, which poses a challenge to
the physical meaning of the multi-component wave func-
tions of Dirac. The meaning of Dirac multi-component
wave function is not clear. The traditional normalized
definition of wave function is only a guess that has not
been strictly proved. Is the Bonn statistical interpreta-
tion of wave function unique and reasonable? Finding
the ultimate answer to such questions will promote the
great changes in physical theory and the development of
mathematical theory.
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