6 X. D. Dongfang The Morbid Equation of Quantum Numbers
and vague knowledge such as the so-called semiclassi-
cal quantum theory can easily be chosen as the reason
to avoid the above contradiction, but in fact, the mini-
mum non-zero angular momentum of the hydrogen atom
happens to be ~. So, can we solve the minimum nontriv-
ial angular momentum difficulty of quantum mechanics
from the essence of quantum theory? The seemingly ac-
curate and complete quantum mechanics theory actually
hides enough subversive logical inconsistencies. Only by
discovering and eliminating the hidden logical contra-
dictions in scientific theory can we promote the correct
development of theory.
5 Conclusions and comments
The unitary principle is of great significance to test
and establish scientific theory. A complete physical the-
ory should not only conform to the unitary principle lo-
cally, but also conform to the unitary principle globally.
Using the unitary principle, we can find many important
problems hide in modern physics theory. The difficulties
of quantization angular momentum and the morbid e-
quation of quantum numbers show that the conservation
law of energy is destroyed because of quantized energy.
These are actually computational problems rather than
philosophical speculative problems. Quantum mechanic-
s is a computational science, and its paradoxes should be
expressed by mathematical equations. It is not helpful
for the progress and development of physics theory to
express the questions of quantum mechanics abstract-
ly or to limit the philosophical speculation to weaken
the logical difficulties of quantum mechanics. Physical
logic difficulties inevitably contain new physics myster-
ies, which need to be discovered by scientific calculation.
Quantum mechanics has puzzled some great physicists.
Feynman famously declared “I think I can safely say
that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”
instein put forward the theory of light quantum, but
evaluated quantum mechanics “God do es not play dice
with the universe.”
Nevertheless, the success of quan-
tum mechanics is undeniable. Almost all physics prob-
lems are interrelated. If one of the most basic physics
problems is solved, other physics problems can be solved
well. Over the past 30 years, I have devoted ourselves to
the discovery and solution of the difficult basic problems
in theoretical physics. We have learned that the effective
breakthrough of physical theory must come from the dis-
covery and solution of the contradictions implied in the
past theories that can not be reconciled logically. There
must be systematic solutions to seemingly intractable
physical problems. It seems that quantum mechanics is
often misunderstood. Some reports on the progress of
quantum theory are even based on metaphysical think-
ing and tend to develop towards metaphysics. The main
reason is that the essence of quantum mechanics has not
been known. It is one of the effective breakthroughs to
reveal the essence of quantum mechanics and realize the
unification of macroscopic and microscopic quantization
theories by eliminating the logical difficulties of quantum
mechanics such as the inconsistency of quantization an-
gular momentum and the morbid equation of quantum
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