Mathematics & Nature (2022) Vol. 2 No. 1 202202-11
stifled correct theory, and the distinction between the
two is limited in experimental observation, because the
two types of inferences have the same order of magnitude
of accuracy. Modern physics research is always keen on
the experiments of major projects while neglecting log-
ical tests. Experimental observations without causality
or even generated data have been publicized to verify the
theory that is actually wrong
. This is the funda-
mental reason for the stagnant development of theoreti-
cal physics in recent decades. Most of the calculation of
the teratogenic simplified solution is invalid rather than
wrong, which means that the calculation of each step
is in accordance with the mathematical rules except for
the “decoupling”. However, the phenomenon of distort-
ing mathematics, concealing errors and fabricating ob-
servation data in modern physics is very serious. The
reason why I have analyzed in detail the acts of invalid
calculation, incorrect calculation, conclusive falsification
and experimental report falsification in modern physics
is that I hope that the disclosure of cunning pseudosci-
entific acts will no longer be subjected to unprovoked
attacks and slanders. Present the correct calculation re-
sults and conclusions to the world, and the future main-
stream ethical scientists will objectively comment. In
the future, the scientific world would not have been as
dark as in the past and now.
Since 1985, we have revealed and corrected some
mathematical errors implied in theoretical physics. In a
few published articles in Chinese
and English
, the
description of such problems is relatively euphemistic,
and there is no clear explanation that some calculations
are wrong, which may be a reason for failing to attract
attention. To reveal some problems existing in theoret-
ical physics, we usually need to make many aspects of
argumentation and more than ten kinds of calculation-
s. Only when the results are consistent can we give a
conclusion. These problems are found in testing rele-
vant logic with the unitary principle, some are qualita-
tive tests, and some are quantitative tests. However,
it will take quite a long time to widely test and cor-
rect the mathematical errors and specious conclusions
implied in theoretical physics. Using Wolfram Mathe-
matica to test the absence of the solution of teratogenic
simplified Dirac recursive relation set, which created a
precedent for the machine to test the theoretical physic-
s conclusion, and pointed out a bright way to correc-
t mathematical errors implied in theoretical physics
If the computer’s negation of the teratogenic simplified
Dirac equation is still in doubt, then people should find
the reason why the computer proves that the teratogenic
simplified Dirac equation has no solution. This will not
only give a final conclusion to this problem, but also
will test the systematic program of theoretical physical
logic by machine, and even produce a universal method
similar to the machine proof of geometric theorem
[43, 44]
which can be used to widely test physical theory. Of
course, now the most urgent need for theoretical physics
is to face up to the fact that because simple mathematics
has been ignored, physical theory may have been creat-
ing the desired results in some incorrect logic for nearly
a hundred years, and therefore missed those correct the-
ories and important scientific inferences
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