6 X. D. Dongfang Dongfang Com Quantum Equations of LIGO Signal
definition of the jump change rate is concise. It is most
convenient to describe the law of frequency variation of
signal wave with concise definition of jump change rate
in mathematical form. Equation (6) or (7) is also quan-
tized. The approximate expansion of the exact equation
for the frequency jump change rate of signal wave de-
rived theoretically should be consistent with (6) or (7).
Equations (3), (4), (6) and (7) are named Dongfang’s
com quantum equations of LIGO signal, to commemo-
rate these unique discoveries that have been strangled
since 2016, and also to warn people who pursue truth in
the future. Mainstream scholars do not really advocate
truth, but personal fame and wealth are their lifelong
goal. When great discoveries cannot be taken as their
own, mainstream scholars will completely tear up the
veil of beautifying their self-image and expose their true
colors. Therefore, if you firmly believe in the suprema-
cy of truth, there should be no illusion that the new
truth will be respected by the sanctimonious academic
Table 3 Observed and theoretical values of the jump change rate and the ratio of the jump change rate to the square of the frequency
of the GW150914 signal wave.
Positive strain Negative strain Theory values
1 197.3975904 15940.5581 0.409090909 230.7600891 21784.18038 0.409090909 0.409090909
2 116.6440307 4353.86557 0.32 136.3582345 5949.941798 0.32 0.32
3 79.31794085 1655.614669 0.263157895 92.72359945 2262.543657 0.263157895 0.263157895
4 58.44479852 763.7801306 0.223602484 68.32265222 1043.773 0.223602484 0.223602484
5 45.37639637 400.3644841 0.194444444 53.04553744 547.133425 0.194444444 0.194444444
6 36.55320819 42.73112738 314.1418061 0.172043011 0.172043011
7 35.37953557 0.154285714
6 Conclusions and comments
In this paper, the numerical method of the minimum
digit rational number solution of Diophantine charac-
teristic equation is introduced to analyze and obtain the
precise com quantization law of GW150914 signal wave,
but it is not possible to judge whether GW150914 signal
wave is the gravitational wave of the merging of spiral
binaries. This is because there are many similar signals
with monotonously increasing frequency on the ground,
and there is still a lack of accurate exp erimental data.
We cannot fit the com quantization law of these sim-
ilar signals and compare it with the com quantization
law of GW150914 signal. The precise coquantization
law of GW150914 signal is very attractive, and correct
processing of it may promote the revolution of physi-
cal theory. In 1888, Johannes Rydberg modified the
Balmer formula to propose a universal empirical formula
for the spectral lines of hydrogen atoms which led to the
birth of Bohr’s quantum theory. On this basis, quantum
mechanics, quantum electrodynamics and quantum field
theory have developed successively. The Rydberg formu-
la is the result of numerical analysis. Similar to the Ryd-
berg formula of hydrogen atomic spectrum, whether the
GW150914 signal published by LIGO belongs to natu-
ral signal or the signal of artificial simulation device, the
fitted com quantum equation (3) or (4) of the Lagrange
frequency change rate of GW150914 signal wave and the
jump change rate equation (6) or (7) of GW150914 sig-
nal wave frequency, it will be an imp ortant beginning
to reveal the law of com quantum theory contained in
macro motion. They are not only the quantitative basis
for testing the accuracy of the gravitational wave theory
of spiral binary stars, but also the experimental basis for
establishing and developing a com quantum theory that
uniformly describes the macro and micro quantization
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