Mathematics & Nature Vol. 3 (2023) 9
explained, and the non objectivity and hidden logical difficulties of the definition of the probability
density function in the statistical sense of the wave function are analyzed. The wave function
of hydrogen atoms is a microcosm of quantum mechanics theory. Even as a special case of
the large number of solutions missing from the Schr¨odinger equation for hydrogen atoms, the
special entangled wave function is sufficient to demonstrate the urgency of improving the theory
of quantum mechanical wave equations. The solutions of the Schr¨odinger equation for other
models are similar, but there are also irreversible conclusions such as the uncertainty of the
complete set wave function and the distortion of the shape from the wave function mode to the
wave function mode square, resulting in the loss of probability density significance of the wave
function mode square. The confidence level of quantum mechanics wave equation theory is very
low. All theories based on wave equations must be rewritten after improving the theory of partial
differential equations.
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Notes: The lemmas, theorems, examples, and conclusions in the paper have all been verified by the
computational software Wolfram Mathematica, so the proof process of the theorem is not written in the
pap er. For lengthy equations, formatting errors may occur during the process of writing Mathematica
co de. It is necessary to split the equations into several parts and process them separately, and then
combine them to perform operations.
• PS1: What is the significance of non renowned scientists submitting outstanding scientific
contributions to renowned journals?
This is a brief edition of the groundbreaking paper ‘‘Dongfang Special Entangled Solution of Schr¨odinger
Hydrogen Equation” that subverts the exact solution of the hydrogen atom Schr¨odinger equation. The
briefing version has added new scientific ideas on the basis of the detailed version.
The pap er was submitted to Nature and Physical Review Letters resp ectively, and the results, like other
groundbreaking papers previously submitted to Chinese scientific journals such as “SCIENCE CHINA
Mathematics”, “SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, SCPMA”, “Science Bulletin”,
“Chinese Physics C”, “Acta Physica Sinica”, “Acta Mathematica Sinica,Chinese Series”, etc., once again
revealed to those who pursue scientific truth the reality of the scientific community: famous journals have
long been controlled by ignorant, immoral, and despicable people, widely used to promote lies under the
banner of science to maximize personal interests, without promoting any groundbreaking discoveries that