Mathematics & Nature (2022) Vol. 2 No. 1 202204-3
flaunt academic ethics, but they have always tried to de-
fend academic lies, strangle, slander and even plagiarize
those groundbreaking and correct scientific discoveries.
The experience of communication with scientific jour-
nals in the past 40 years has proved that many famous
journals do not really care about new scientific discov-
eries but pay more attention to safeguarding the fame
and interests of interest groups and individuals. The
groundbreaking and great discoveries made by the bot-
tom scientists can and can only be spread to the world
with the lowest efficiency by means similar to leaflets.
To foretell a new conclusion that needs strong log-
ic support: Dirac equation is not the ultimate answer
to quantum mechanics, and its position in physics may
gradually decline with the passage of time. However, the
Dirac equation construction method is one of the most
attractive methods for constructing partial differential
equations. The Dirac equation will bring rich and color-
ful mathematical problems, which will gradually increase
its position in mathematics. It is by no means easy to
construct a truly scientific and widely applicable wave
equation that can correctly describe the laws of nature.
Construction of wave equation needs the support of ba-
sic laws of physics and mathematical principles. The
wave equation that conforms to the unitary principle
in a wider range derived from the basic laws of physics
and mathematical principles will be the ultimate answer.
Some wave equations constructed by the operator princi-
ple of quantum mechanics, such as Schr¨odinger equation,
Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation, may on-
ly be transitional equations of quantum theory. We need
a unified quantum theory that conforms to the unitary
principle from the field of mathematics to the field of
physics, which is suitable for describing both macroscop-
ic and microscopic laws of motion.
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