Mathematics & Nature (2022) Vol. 2 No. 1 202201-9
Gordon equation of the π
meson, which imitates the
Schr¨odinger equation in solving method, means the col-
lapse of the universe. The existence of its imaginary
energy requires the existence of an upper limit on the
number of nuclear charges. These deductions that vi-
olate the laws of nature prove that the Klein-Gordon
equation of the Coulomb field violates the unitary prin-
ciple and can only be terminated. Physical logic cannot
be cause and effect inverted because of personal wor-
ship, and time and space cannot be different because
of people or theories. The so-called Minkowski space-
time and Schwarzschild space-time are both artificially
defined. When Klein-Gordon equation is written into
the so-called Schwarzschild space-time form, it seems
infinitely profound and daunting. The college system
forces generations of students to recite random concepts,
equations and conclusions of modern physics, and even-
tually become one of the masters in this field of physic-
s. End of Yukawa’s nuclear meson theory and Klein-
Gordon equation today reflects the serious defects of the
college system. Those wrong physical theories are dif-
ficult to be discovered or even refused to be discovered
because of the product of the college system.
There is a simple truth that the development theory
of a theory whose basic principles hide logical contradic-
tions must contain more logical contradictions. Accord-
ing to the definition of relativistic quantum mechanics,
the simple harmonic oscillator and the zero-spin par-
ticle in the Coulomb field should be described by the
Klein-Gordon equation, while the 1/2 spin particle in
the Coulomb field should be described by the Dirac equa-
tion. This leads to a unitary problem. Does the 1/2 spin
simple harmonic oscillator model exist? The focus of sys-
tematic examination of relativistic quantum mechanics
is to examine the mathematical processing of the Klein-
Gordon equation and the Dirac equation. First of all,
we will discuss the Klein-Gordon equation of the zero-
spin π
meson in the Coulomb field and prove that the
inevitable solution of the Klein-Gordon equation of the
meson does not meet the boundary conditions and
implies imaginary energy, so it has no physical signifi-
cance, thus declaring the end of the Klein-Gordon equa-
tion of the Coulomb potential. However, a large number
of documents
claiming to have obtained the exact
solution of Klein-Gordon equation distort mathematics
and cover up the truth, so we will not comment on them
one by one.
Physical problems need to have clear conclusions, and
they can have clear conclusions. Historically, Klein-
Gordon proposed Klein-Gordon equation based on rel-
ativistic momentum and energy equations. Klein and
Gordon did not benefit from this, and they failed to find
the irrationality of the equation at that time only be-
cause of the limitations of mathematical treatment of
the equation. However, mass producers of later papers
benefited a lot from the Klein-Gordon equation. The
relativistic momentum energy relationship will prove to
be actually incorrect, although it is often claimed to be
confirmed by experiments that cannot be repeated. It
is not our interest and responsibility to criticize a large
number of reputable SCI journals that vigorously pro-
mote modern physics papers created by distorting math-
ematics, and such specific criticism is also likely to cause
general hostility. However, there will always be people
in the world who can and will be sure to carry out logical
tests to expose the distorted mathematics, sophistry and
lies of modern physics. Perhaps readers have to wonder
whether modern physics is under the control of a dif-
ferent religion. The distortion of mathematics to mass
produce papers may be caused by the pressure of work,
but these works are defined as excellent scientific theories
and breakthrough scientific achievements because they
are published by prestigious academic journals, which
puts the truth that is constantly discovered today and
tomorrow into a hopeless situation.
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