12 X. D. Dongfang Dongfang Special Entangled Spherical Solution of Laplace Equation
5 Conclusion
The Laplace equation is the simplest second-order homogeneous linear partial differential equa-
tion with symmetry, but its solution is the most complex. This only discusses the very special case
of zero magnetic quantum numbers, but the description of the problem and conclusions needed
are already cumbersome enough. As for the general case where the magnetic quantum number
is not zero, the generalized entangled spherical harmonic function can provide a richer and more
accurate solution to the Laplace equation. There seems to be no exhaustive method to find all
solutions to the Laplace equation that are not described by existing theories and differ from the
latest discoveries. Whether in the field of mathematics or applied science
, the conclusions
of Laplace equation solutions advocated by traditional theories and the descriptions of natural
phenomena are obviously unrealistic.
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