202208-4 X. D. Dongfang Ground State Solution of Dongfang Modified Dirac Equation
sible for this problem to lead to the discovery of the
wave equation similar to the Dirac equation? Of course,
there will always be great resistance to subversive re-
vision of famous theories. Then within the framework
of relativity, what kind of anti mathematical problem-
s are hidden in the algebraic theory of defining angu-
lar quantum numbers in Dirac electron theory, and how
Dirac electron theory goes beyond mathematical rules
to transform the equation of four component wave func-
tion into two-component wave function equation, which
need further research. The discovery and solution of ev-
ery relevant new problem may lead to the revision of
the Dirac equation again, and even lead to completely
different conclusions. Therefore, it is necessary to test
the construction logic of the Dirac equation for the two-
component wave function.
The neutron state solution and the intrinsic ground
state solution of the Dongfang modified Dirac hydrogen
equation exceed the customary concepts of quantum me-
chanics. This pioneering new conclusion indicates that
it seems that every additional quantum number to solve
the intrinsic solution of the modified Dirac equation or
the special solution of the similar equation that satis-
fies the exact boundary will become an inexhaustible
source of writing for theoretical physics or mathematic-
s researchers. However, with each additional quantum
number, the difficulty of accurate solution will increase.
The contribution of this kind of work on mathematics
may be greater than that of physics.
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