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Notes: All new theorems, proof processes for theorems, and listed examples in the article have passed
the calculation verification requirements of the scientific computing software Wolfram Mathematica. If
you are unable to verify using scientific software, the possible reason may be that the input code does not
comply with the coding rules of the software. Please consult a professional or seek help on the internet
to obtain the correct calculation code.
PS: This groundbreaking mathematical paper has been reviewed by nearly ten journals for about a year
and has not been published, with the longest review time being 50 days. It is unknown whether it has
b een plagiarized and rewritten like pioneering physics papers in the past. In today’s world, mathematics
and physics are monopolized by ignorant and immoral despicable people, and great discoveries have
nowhere to be published. Free publication on the internet often suffers from their attacks and slander.
1. Dongfang, X. D. On the relativity of the speed of light. Mathematics & Nature 1, 202101 (2021).
2. Dongfang, X. D. The Morbid Equation of Quantum Numbers. Mathematics & Nature 1, 202102
3. Dongfang, X. D. Relativistic Equation Failure for LIGO Signals. Mathematics & Nature 1, 202103
4. Dongfang, X. D. Dongfang Modified Equations of Molecular Dynamics . Mathematics & Nature 1,
202104 (2021).
5. Dongfang, X. D. Dongfang Angular Motion Law and Operator Equations. Mathematics & Nature 1,
202105 (2021).
6. Dongfang, X. D. Dongfang Com Quantum Equations of LIGO Signal. Mathematics & Nature 1,
202106 (2021).
7. Dongfang, X. D. Com Quantum Proof of LIGO Binary Mergers Failure. Mathematics & Nature 1,
202107 (2021).
8. Dongfang, X. D. Dongfang Modified Equations of Electromagnetic Wave. Mathematics & Nature 1,
202108 (2021).
9. Dongfang, X. D. Nuclear Force Constants Mapped by Yukawa Potential. Mathematics & Nature 1,
202109 (2021).